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You cannot pour from an empty cup.


The first portion of Pope St. John Paul II's proximate preparation content seems focus on the person's formation as an individual. 


He encourages cultivating the moral and spiritual dispositions necessary for holy marriage,

becoming more fully alive in who God created you to be.

and learning what marriage is in God's design.


Here are suggestions of things that fall under this category:​​

John Paul's relevant text on proximate preparation:

"Upon [the basis of remote preparation] there will subsequently and gradually be built up the proximate preparation, which-from the suitable age and with adequate catechesis, as in a catechumenal process-involves a more specific preparation for the sacraments, as it were, a rediscovery of them. This renewed catechesis of young people and others preparing for Christian marriage is absolutely necessary in order that the sacrament may be celebrated and lived with the right moral and spiritual dispositions" (FC 66). 

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